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2009 Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring Award Winner (Undergraduate Institutions)





Dr. Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Dr. Plous is best known for being the founder and Executive Director of the Social Psychology Network, but is also an active mentor and has received a number of teaching awards. He is credited for coining the term"action teaching" – turning a textbook lesson into a live experience – which he believes "leads not only to a better understanding of psychology but to a more just, compassionate and peaceful world." Professor Plous helped establish the Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Diversity Fund, an award that gives conference travel grants to students from underrepresented groups. A SPSSI fellow, Dr. Plous' research interests include prejudice and discrimination, decision making, and ethical issues relating to animals and the environment, all of which he has intertwined into his classroom teaching. More information about Professor Plous can be found here.



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