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2023 Innovative Teaching Award Winner:  Dr. Natalie Sabik

Natalie J. Sabik is an Associate Professor at the University of Rhode Island. Dr. Sabik received a joint Ph.D. in psychology and women’s studies from the University of Michigan and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in health psychology at Brandeis University. Her work spans the fields of psychology, gender studies, gerontology, and public health, and she examines how health and well-being are shaped by a variety of social and identity factors, such as body perceptions, stress, social interactions, gender roles, and aging. Her work integrates an intersectional perspective that examines these factors in the context of different demographic and identity categories and she utilizes intersectionality as an analytical framework in addressing issues of representation and disparities in psychology and public health. She is a consulting editor for Psychology of Women Quarterly and her work has been recognized by the American Public Health Association, the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, and the American Psychological Association, and she is a fellow of the Institute for Academic Feminist Psychology.