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Letter from Robert Kahn

I returned to the University of Michigan shortly after World War II, to begin doctoral work in the new and exciting interdisciplinary program in social psychology.  The program was headed by Theodore Newcomb and Daniel Katz, both of whom were leaders of SPSSI from its earliest days.

I would not say that SPSSI membership was a formal requirement in our doctoral program, but the examples were before us and the SPSSI values were very much ours as well.  We joined as soon as we were eligible to do so.

Over the many years since then, my SPSSI connections have been many.  My reprint file reminds me that my first JSI publication, on organizational research, was in 1951.  I served on SPSSI council, as secretary-treasurer, as SPSSI representative to APA, and as president.  I treasure the Lewin Award from SPSSI, given in 1988 when my colleagues and I were exploring the potential contributions of organizational research to international peace.

The University of Michigan Institute for Social Research has honored me by raising funds for the Robert L. Kahn Fellowship in the Scientific Study of Social Issues.  My best hope for the Fellowship Program is that it will enable the most promising doctoral students to develop the kinds of careers that SPSSI membership represents.

Robert L. Kahn
University of Michigan
15 April 2009