The proposal deadline is September 1, annually.
The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) is pleased to invite proposals for grants to support local- and state-level research/policy groups. SPSSI will fund up to three groups, at up to $2,000 USD each, for each award cycle. There is one award cycle each year, which occurs in the fall.
This grant initiative, begun in 2015, has three goals: 1) to influence policy at the local and state levels through applied research, 2) to increase the availability of policy opportunities for SPSSI members who are interested in applied research, and 3) to encourage students and early career scholars to become more involved in SPSSI.
Grant awardees will review existing research at the local and/or state levels on policy-relevant topics, conduct additional research as needed, and ultimately use this work to assist policy makers in making data-driven decisions about local- and/or state-level issues.
Research/policy groups outside of the United States who are looking at local and/or regional issues within their countries are also encouraged to apply.
- The group must consist of three or more social scientists who live in the same state or similar regionally-based jurisdiction outside of the United States such that they face common policy issues.
- At least one member of the group must be a current SPSSI member.
- The group members must be working on the same issue, broadly defined.
- The group must compellingly demonstrate that its members are interested in the policy applications of psychological science and/or other social science research.
- SPSSI will give preference to groups that demonstrate either existing policy expertise or the willingness to learn more about policy work at the local and/or state levels—i.e., members should have experience working with local and/or state entities in helping to advance empirically-based decision-making or have a plan for how at least one member of the group will obtain this experience.
- SPSSI will give preference to groups that have a graduate student and/or early career member.
To apply for funding, the group should submit a short proposal (no more than 3,000 words) that:
- Addresses the criteria described above
- Provides background on the research/policy problem that the team will be addressing
- Provides biosketches for the research/policy team members
- Describes the methodology
- Explains outcomes/deliverables (e.g., conduct policy-related research, attend meetings with local policy makers, write a “white paper” on the policy issue, plan to testify at legislative hearings)
- Provides a budget for the one-year grant period (acceptable expenses include: funding for meetings, funding to conduct research to answer a policy question, funding to support students to conduct policy work, funding to incentivize research participation, limited funding for materials and equipment) Note: Funds cannot be applied to overhead costs
- Agrees to disseminate the work completed at the end of the grant period to SPSSI members (e.g., in the form of a SPSSI newsletter column, blog post, and/or webinar)
Submit your proposal here. Online submissions are the preferred method. Please limit the number and size of files uploaded.
Proposals are due September 1, annually. Proposals will be evaluated by a subcommittee of the SPSSI Policy Committee.
Questions? Please contact SPSSI Executive Director, Anila Balkissoon.