Setting a New Agenda for the Psychology of LGBTQ Youth and Emerging Adults
an APA Pre-Convention Workshop
Wednesday, August 7, 2019 | 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Chicago School of Professional Psychology
325 North Wells Street, Chicago, IL 60654 | Room 407/412
$30 Students and Community Members*
$70 Professionals and Faculty
Optional: For an additional $10, registrants may also elect to receive 5 CE credits.
*A community member is defined as someone who is not a student and
not a psychologist (e.g., someone from a local nonprofit)
No refunds
Co-sponsored by APA Divisions 7, 9, 27, 37, 43, and 44
"Things are better for LGBTQ youth and young adults today, right?”
While things have changed, there are persistent challenges:
77% of LGBTQ youth report feeling down or depressed, but only 41% receive any counseling.
80% of LGBTQ youth of color have personally experienced racism.
Only 27% of LGBTQ youth can “definitely” be themselves in school as an LGBTQ person.
Only 19 states and the District of Columbia have enacted anti-bullying laws to protect LGBTQ students. (all items reported in the HRC 2018 LGBTQ Youth Report)
How will psychologists respond?
About the workshop. Six divisions of APA (7, 9, 27, 37, 43, 44) are coming together on August 7, 2019 to create a Statement of Priorities and an Agenda for Psychology of LGBTQ Youth and Emerging Adults. The Pre-Convention Workshop will be held at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology (325 North Wells Street, Chicago, IL 60654 | Room 407/412). We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Chicago School of Professional Psychology in hosting this pre-convention workshop. We also acknowledge the significant support of the Committee on Division/APA Relations (CODAPAR) for this project.
Learning objectives for CE credit. Upon completing this activity, participants will be able to: 1. list at least three current challenges facing LGBTQ youth and emerging adults; 2. identify at least three lines of action that psychologists can take to address current challenges facing LGBTQ youth and emerging adults; and 3. describe how multiple minority identities intersect to create unique challenges for LGBTQ youth and emerging adults.
Accommodations. If you would like or need accommodations (e.g., regarding physical, visual, and/or hearing impairments), or have any additional concerns in advance of the event, please contact SPSSI Policy Director Sarah Mancoll ( | 202-675-6956).
For a detailed workshop agenda, and to learn more about the speakers, please visit
Presentations include:
Sexual and Gender Minority Emerging Adults & Future Parenthood
Samantha Tornello, PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Critical Role of Family Support for LGBTQ Youth & Young Adults
Caitlin Ryan, PhD, San Francisco State University
Working with Transgender Youth and Young Adults: Health Disparities and Environmental Supports
Christy Olezeski, PhD, Yale School of Medicine
You Can’t Leave the Person-of-the-Therapist Outside the Therapy
Susan Regas, PhD, California School of Professional Psychology
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity-Based Prejudice: Developmental and Contextual Factors
Stacey S. Horn, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago
Building Resistance and Resilience Among Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents and Emerging Adults
Gary W. Harper, PhD, University of Michigan School of Public Health
Representing LGBTQ Asylum Seekers
Lee Vanderlinden, JD, National Immigrant Justice Center