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Web-based resources


Resources for the Inclusion of Social Class in Psychology Curricula

In addition, SPSSI, along with the Society for the Psychology of Women and the APA Office on Socioeconomic Status has released Resources for the Inclusion of Social Class in Psychology Curricula, a new teaching tool designed to encourage the incorporation of social class diversity into psychology education. This resource includes course syllabi, classroom exercises, scholarly books and articles, as well as examples using fiction and popular media. It is sure to prove useful for all psychology educators, including those teaching at the high school, college, and graduate school levels. You are invited to print your own copies and share them with your colleagues and students. Additionally, these materials will be updated periodically. Your suggestions and contributions for future editions are welcomed and appreciated. Access this teaching tool at  

Action Teaching

Scholarships and Resources for LGBTQIA+ Students
Click here to visit STEPS (Students Training and Education in Public Service) list of resources for LGBTQIA+ Students.

Global Feminisms Project
The Global Feminisms Project is a collaborative international oral history project that examines the history of feminist activism, women's movements, and academic women's studies in sites around the world. The website includes transcripts of the interviews with women's movements activists in several countries in English as well as digital files of the actual interviews both in the original language and (if not English) in English, as well as background readings and teaching recommendations
Click here to visit the Global Feminisms Page

The Road to Community Partnerships, Toronto

The Road to Psychology-Community Partnerships: Collaborating on Social Issues for Social Change is a documentary on the challenges and benefits of community-based research (CBR). It documents a pre-conference site visit to two communities in Toronto organized in 2009 as part of SPSSI’s APA program.

Teaching for Environmental Issues
In honor of Earth Day, Thomas Doherty, past president of APA Division 34, has produced a series of brief videos about environmental approaches in psychology. These were made with intro psychology students in mind but also designed to be accesible to other students and the public. You are free to use and share. If you want to dive in, start with video #3. It's Thomas's favorite and asks the viewer to consider her or his own connections with nature in the context of their culture and diversity. 

·  Psychology and Nature I: Overview    3:51

·  Psychology and Nature II: My Background   2:01

·  Psychology and Nature III: Discovering Your Environmental Identity  3:41

·  Psychology and Nature IV: Study and Careers 1:22

Full playlist (~10 mins total):

Annotated script with citations and reading list:

Teaching for Social Justice and Action Resources
Teaching Resources Webpage on Intersectionality and Privilege 
Provided by Kim Case, PhD (UH-Clear Lake)

Provided by Kim Case, PhD (UH Clear Lake)

Notes: Interactive Discussion on Teaching for Social Justice
Provided by Wendy Williams, PhD (Berea College) and Kim Case, PhD (UH-Clear Lake)

Presentation: Teaching to “Promote Social Action Learning”
Provided by 2014 Innovative Teaching Award Winner, Jamie Franco-Zamudio, PhD (Spring Hill College)

The Breaking Prejudice Website
“ created by Mary Kite and 14 seminar students from Ball State University, includes the following materials for teaching about social justice:

Provided by 2014 Innovative Teaching Award Honorable Mention, Mary Kite

The Voices Project: Real Stories, Real People, Real Livesoverview
Provided by 2014 NITOP Winner, Alicia Nordstrom, PhD

Psychology and Intersectionality Resources
Course Syllabus 2013: Psychology of Gender, Race, & Sexuality
Intersections of Identity Education Project
Student Project Example
Article: "Teaching intersectional LGBT psychology"
Article: "We Talk about Race Too Much in This Class!"
Provided by 2013 Innovative Teaching Award Winner, Kim Case, PhD

Social Psychology Network Teaching Resources

CROW: Course Resources on the Web

Teaching Resources from the American Psychological Society

Course Syllabi Related to Social Psychology
( Teacher's Corner

 The Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology (OTRP)

Articles and Other Print Resources 

Task Force on Two-Tiered Academic Labor Activities Update
By Gretchen Reevy, California State University East Bay

Human Rights 101 offers an overview of human rights intended for a one-day or two-day reading and discussion for any interested class.  It may be downloaded and distributed without cost to faculty or students.


Neil Wollman, Manchester College, and his colleagues have written, Principles for Promoting Social Change. The file is arranged in a booklet format. Pages should be collated and folded in half to create the booklet.

For a PDF download, click here: Principles for Promoting Social Change (2nd Ed). The file is arranged in a booklet format. Pages should be collated and folded in half to create the booklet. Hard copies can be ordered from SPSSI.

The Making Connections website (, sponsored by the APS Fund for the Teaching and Public Understanding of Psychological Science, was designed to provide instructors with psychological research findings and other scholarly information on specific social issues and assist them, both pedagogically and conceptually, in linking those social issues to the psychological constructs and theories discussed in their classes. The website includes (1) summaries of articles addressing social issues from recent peer-reviewed social science journals, (2) suggestions for “making connections” between specific research findings and psychological constructs, (3) supplementary podcasts, film clips, and articles, (4) pedagogy-focused resources on curriculum development, classroom activities, teaching strategies, and service learning, and (5) links to professional and non-profit organizations with information on social issues. The website material is searchable by issue as well as relevant psychological construct and addresses such topics as truancy intervention, cultural socialization in transracial adoption, LGB victimization in the military, smartphone technology in behavioral healthcare, disability and childhood violence exposure, manifest ethnic identification in employment situations, global warming beliefs, anti-bullying programs, and resilience among Afghan women.