FEATURED: Pulse Nightclub Tragedy in Orlando Syllabus
by Kathryn Boucher, Kim Case, David Livert, Abby Mann, Kathryn Oleson, and Wendy Williams
Community Psychology
Community Interventions, by Charlene Baker, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Community Psychology, by Mirella Stroink, Lakehead University
Introduction to Community Psychology, by Charlene Baker, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Conflict Resolution
Critical Problems in Social Psychology Justice and Social Conflicts by Yuen Huo, University of California
Experimental Psychology
Experimental Psychology, by Janice Yoder, University of Akron
Environmental Psychology
Conservation Psychology Syllabi and Course Descriptions
[Teaching Psychology for Sustainability: A Manual of Resources]
Ecological Psychology by Jeff Sinn, Winthrop University, SC
Environmental Psychology by Britton Mace, Southern Utah University
Environmental Psychology Syllabi and Course Descriptions
[Teaching Psychology for Sustainability: A Manual of Resources]
Psychology and Sustainability by Michael E. Mills, Loyola Marymount University
Psychology of Environmental Issues by Colleen F. Moore, University of Wisconsin
Global Feminisms
Advanced Topics in Women's and Gender Studies: Chinese Feminisms in a Global World
Approaches to Feminist Scholarship in the Social Sciences
Feminism and History
Feminist Practices in a Global Context
Our Complex Selves: The Intersecting Identities of Gender, Sexuality, Race, and Ethnicity
Psychology of Social Change: Gender and Global Feminisms
Psychology of Women, by Janice Yoder, University of Akron
Psychology of Women, by Kim Case, University of Houston (Clear Lake)
Women's Studies Capstone Seminar
Health Psychology
Emotions, Stress and Health by Alex Zautra, Arizona State University
Health Psychology by Clara B. Jones, Fayetteville State University of North Carolina
Health Psychology by Gretchen Chapman, State University of New Jersey
Health Psychology Syllabi [Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology, Project Syllabus]
Teaching Health Psychology [Web Resources Maintained by APA Division 38, Health Psychology]
Political Psychology and Activism
Political Psychology, by Christopher Weber, Louisiana State University
Political Psychology, by John T. Jost and Tom R. Tyler, New York University
The Psychology of Political Activism, by Lauren E. Duncan, Smith College
Seminar in Political Psychology (Grad) by John T. Jost, New York University
Poverty and Homelessness
Poverty in the Midst of Plenty: Homelessness, and What to Do About It by Beth Shinn, New York University
Prejudice and Intergroup Relations
Advanced Group Methods: Intergroup Dialogue by Joseph R. Miles, University of Tennessee
Black Psychology by Nyasha Grayman-Simpson, Goucher College
Equality and Inequality, by Kevin Lanning and Christopher Strain, Florida Atlantic University
Hate Crimes, by Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld, California State University, Stanislaus ?
Human Trafficking by Laura Dryjanska, Biola University
Human Trafficking LEARN course by Laura Dryjanska, Biola University
Intergroup Emotions, by Nyla Branscombe, University of Kansas
Intergroup Relations, by Nyla Branscombe, University of Kansas
Multicultural Issues in Psychology: Theory, Research, & Practices, by Lisa Bowleg, University of Rhode Island
Multicultural Psychology, by Joseph R. Miles, University of Tennessee
Peace Psychology Resource Project [Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence; Peace Psychology, APA Division 48]
Prejudice and Discrimination: Psychological Bases and Policy Implications, by Jack Glaser, University of Berkely
Prejudice, Stigma, and Intergroup Relations, by Dana S. Dunn, Moravian College
Principles of Individual and Collective Irrationality, by Robyn M. Dawes
Psychology of Gender, Race, and Sexuality by Kim Case, University of Houston- Clear Lake
Psychology of Hate, by Toni L. Bisconti
Psychology of Hate Readings, by Toni L. Bisconti
Psychology of Intergroup Relations, by Luis A. Vega
Psychology of Prejudice, by Pamela L.Gist
Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination, by Susan B. Goldstein
Psychology of Prejudice and Stereotyping, by Nilanjana Dasgupta
Psychology of Race and Racism by Kim Case, University of Houston- Clear Lake
Pulse Nightclub Tragedy in Orlando Syllabus by Kathryn Boucher, Jamie Franco-Zamudio, David Livert, Abby Mann, Kathryn Oleson, and Wendy Williams
Racial Prejudice and Political Intolerance, by Donald Green
Social Issues Methods and Analysis by Kim Case, University of Houston- Clear Lake
Social Stigma, by Stacey Sinclair, University of Virginia
Stereotyping and Prejudice across Cultures, by Nyla Branscombe
Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination, by Yuen Huo, University of California
Stereotyping, Prejudice, Stigma, & Marginality in Educational Settings, by William Perez
Stigma, by Stacey Williams, East Tennessee State University
Understanding and Confronting Racism, by Kendrick Brown, Macalester College
Psychology and the Law
Forensic Psychology Syllabi [Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology, Project Syllabus]
Law and Behavioral Science by Dr. Richard L. Wiener, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Women, Violence and Victimization by Irene Hanson Frieze, University of Pittsburgh
Youth Violence by Steven Meyers, Roosevelt University
Social Power and Influence
Interpersonal Influence and Social Power, by Bertram H. Raven, University of California Los Angeles (reading list)
Social Identities and the Media by Sarah E. Gaither, Duke University
Social Justice Practicum I by Joseph R. Miles, University of Tennessee
Social Power, by John T. Jost, New York University
System Justification, by John T. Jost, New York University
Theories of Social Psychology by John T. Jost and Yaacov Trope, New York University