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SPSSI Journals

SPSSI publishes three scholarly journals: Journal of Social Issues (JSI), Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy (ASAP), and Social Issues and Policy Review (SIPR). SPSSI journals are published with the guidance of SPSSI's Publications Committee, which is Co-Chaired by Luis Rivera and Jessica Salvatore.

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Journal of Social Issues

Journal of Social Issues (JSI) is a thematic journal published quarterly. Through JSI the Society seeks to bring behavioral and social science theory, empirical evidence, and practice into focus on human problems. Each issue of JSI is devoted to a single topic and has as its goal the communication of scientific findings and interpretations in an accurate but readily understandable fashion. Issue proposals and inquiries should be directed to Editor Martin D. Ruck.

Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy

Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy (ASAP) is an outlet for psychological and social science scholarship with implications for social action and policy. ASAP serves a global audience that includes policy makers and advocates as well as social scientists, students, and the public at large. Articles are published electronically as soon as they are accepted for publication. Inquiries about the journal should be directed to ASAP Co-Editors Kevin Carriere and Shaun Wiley.

Call for Papers: The Social Psychology of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election
Please direct inquiries to ASAP Co-Editors, Kevin Carriere ( and Shaun Wiley ( . Submit manuscripts by February 28, 2025 for full editorial consideration. Registered Report Stage 1 proposals should be submitted by August 15, 2024 with Stage 2 reports submitted by February 28, 2025. Please direct all submissions to

Call for Papers: Seventy Years After Turing: Advancing Sexual and Gender Minority Inclusion and Belonging in STEM
Please direct inquiries to the ASAP Guest Editors for this special issue, Charolotte Moser ( & Ben Blankenship ( Regular empirical manuscripts should be submitted by September 15th, 2024, for full editorial consideration. Please direct all submissions to

Social Issues and Policy Review

Social Issues and Policy Review (SIPR) is an annual journal that provides state of the art and timely theoretical and empirical reviews of topics and programs of research that are directly relevant to understanding and addressing social issues and public policy. Proposals and inquiries about potential SIPR submissions should be directed to the SIPR Editors:

Ann Bettencourt and Michael Zárate (2021 – 2023)

Asia Eaton and Keon West (2024 – 2026) 

Virtual Series Issue (VSI) is a virtual journal based around thematic or significant anniversaries or events (e.g. Brown v. Board of Education, MLK Remembrance, SPSSI's Annual Conferences), calendar events (e.g. Earth Day), and major policy initiatives (e.g., health care, welfare reform, major Supreme Court cases). The VSI Editor identifies and selects appropriate articles from previously published issues of SPSSI's journals to be bundled for inclusion in each virtual issue. Inquiries about VSI should be directed to VSI Editor Roxanne Moadel-Attie.