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Teaching & Mentoring Honors & Awards


Award Name   Description   Eligibility   Number & Amount   Deadline

Outstanding Teaching & Mentoring Award


Awarded to a person who demonstrates outstanding teaching and mentoring in areas related to the psychological study of social issues.


SPSSI members who have been teaching and/or mentoring for at least 5 years full time since the doctoral degree, at institutions granting graduate, 4-year undergraduate, and/or 2-year or community college degrees.


One or two awards of $1000 and one year of SPSSI membership.. Honorable Mention awardees will receive one year of free SPSSI membership.


February 15th, annually.


Two-Year College Teaching & Mentoring Excellence Award


This award recognizes teaching and/or initiatives at the two-year college level that share applied, social issues research with students and/or surrounding community.


Two-year or community- college faculty members.


$1000 and one year of SPSSI membership. Honorable Mention awardees will receive one year of SPSSI membership.


November 15, annually.


Innovative Teaching Award


Awarded on the basis of an innovative and effective course addressing social issues.


SPSSI members who teach at graduate degree granting institutions, four-year undergraduate colleges and universities, or two-year and community colleges, or as contingent or adjunct faculty.


One award of $1000. Honorable Mention awardees will receive one year of SPSSI membership.


March 1st, annually.


Action Teaching Award


Awarded on the basis of a teaching artifact that contributes to peace, social justice, and sustainable living at the same time that it educates students. Entries may include a high-impact student assignment, classroom activity, field experience, or web-based demonstration.


Instructors who teach at any level of education. No advanced degree required.


One award of $1,000.

Smaller awards for honorable mentions.


March 15th, annually.


Teaching Resource Award


Award for teaching resources to encourage and recognize innovative activities, assignments, and projects related to the psychological study of social issues.


SPSSI members. Resources may be for undergraduate, graduate, or online courses.


Up to five awards of $150.


September 15th, annually.

Teaching Grants


Award Name   Description

  Eligibility   Number & Amount   Deadline

Action Teaching Grants


Grants provide funds to develop, enhance, or measure the impact of an innovative action teaching classroom activity, student assignment, field experience, or web-based resource that will contribute to peace, social justice, and/or sustainable living.


SPSSI members including graduate student members.


Up to $1,500 each for  1-3 grants per year.


April 30th, annually.


Teaching Development Grant


Grants awarded to support small-scale events, initiatives, or pre-conferences related to teaching that provide networking opportunities, promote awareness of SPSSI, and/or increase SPSSI membership.



SPSSI members.
Graduate student members may apply with a faculty mentor/advisor serving as a co-applicant.


Up to $2,500 for 1-2 applicants per year based on actual expenses.


February 15th,  annually. Proposals that are highly timely and event-specific may be submitted at any time for expedited review, and will be reviewed within one month of receipt on an ad hoc basis.