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Email Archive - 2021 Distinguished Service to SPSSI Awards

2021 Distinguished Service to SPSSI Awards

Congratulations to our 2021 Distinguished Service to SPSSI Award recipients:

  • Glenn Adams (University of Kansas)
  • Janice Adelman
  • Stephanie Fryberg (University of Michigan)
  • Sheri Levy (State University of New York at Stony Brook)

2021 Distinguished SPSSI Service Award Citations


Glenn Adams


Dr. Glenn Adams

We are delighted to recognize Glenn Adams with the 2021 Distinguished Service Award. Dr. Glenn Adams received his PhD in Social Psychology from Stanford University in 2000, and his bachelor’s degree from Penn State University. He is currently Professor of Psychology at the University of Kansas.

Dr. Adams’ research focuses on cultural-psychological foundations of relationships and articulating ways to promote sustainable well-being for broader humanity. His work provides a strong example of the psychological study of social issues and utilizing research for the greater good.  At the University of Kansas, Dr. Adams also teaches courses related to oppression and liberation, ecological and cultural psychology, and global and international studies.

Dr. Adams has been a member of SPSSI since 2004. In that time, he has served on SPSSI's Council, chaired the Internationalization Committee, and promoted the internationalization of SPSSI through a number of initiatives and programming (e.g., spearheading the SPSSI co-sponsored conference in South Africa entitled “Towards a Decolonial Psychology: Theories from the Global South,” co-editing the special issue of the Journal of Social Issues on decolonial approaches to the psychological study of social issues, and initiating webinars focused on increasing international access to SPSSI events). Beyond these accomplishments, Dr. Adams has shown a commitment to engaging in and fostering collaborative research projects and has been a mentor to many, including many SPSSI members.

The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues is proud to recognize Dr. Glenn Adams with the SPSSI Distinguished Service Award for 2021, with deep appreciation for his ongoing contributions to SPSSI and for his engagement in applying psychological research to important social issues.


Janice Adelman


Dr. Janice Adelman

We are pleased to recognize Janice Adelman with the 2021 Distinguished Service to SPSSI Award. Dr. Adelman is an independent scholar who received a PhD in Psychology from the Claremont Graduate University in 2010. She had previously received a master’s degree in neurobiology from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a BA in neuroscience and psychology from Brandeis University. 

Dr. Adelman is an applied social psychologist with wide-ranging interests. Her early work resulted in a number of publications in political psychology.  More recently, she has shifted her attention to issues of community thriving. 

Dr. Adelman joined SPSSI in 2005, as a graduate student, and served as the chair of SPSSI’s Graduate Student Committee in 2006-2007.   In the ensuing decade and a half, she has served the organization in a wide range of further capacities. Notably, she edited SPSSI’s newsletter, The Forward, between 2012 and 2015.  Most recently, the membership elected Dr. Adelman to be its Division 9 representative to the APA Council of Representatives. This role built upon her previous 3 years of experience as a member of the APA Ethics Committee (2015-2017). Dr. Adelman has also invested heavily in other professional organizations, such as the International Society for Political Psychology, but among the organizations that have benefited from her dedication and effort, SPSSI has benefited perhaps the most.


Stephanie Fryberg




Dr. Stephanie Fryberg

We are pleased to recognize Stephanie Fryberg with the 2021 Distinguished Service to SPSSI Award. Dr. Fryberg is a member of the Tulalip Tribes. She earned a PhD from Stanford University in 2002, following a master’s from Stanford and an undergraduate degree from Kenyon College. After faculty appointments at the University of Arizona and University of Washington, Dr. Fryberg has recently moved to the University of Michigan, where she is University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Psychology.

Dr. Fryberg’s work, focusing in particular on the experiences and portrayals of Native communities in the United States, has had a notable impact on both the field of social psychology—remediating the field’s relative lack of visibility and attention to Native/Indigenous perspectives—as well as on society as a whole (for example, serving as an expert witness and providing Senate testimony). Not content to speak only to and with the academy, Dr. Fryberg has led large-scale efforts to translate the insights from her research program to school settings. 

The many papers that Dr. Fryberg has authored where she is not first author speak to her dedication to mentoring. Besides prior recognitions at her previous institutions, she was recently named a fellow of the Association for Psychological Science.

Dr. Fryberg has been an active member of SPSSI for two decades. She was awarded the Louise Kidder Early Career Award in 2007 and went on to serve a term on SPSSI's Council (2011-2014). Membership further elected her president for 2019-2020.  Besides prior recognitions at her previous institutions, she was recently named a fellow of the Association for Psychological Science. SPSSI presents this award in appreciation of her many efforts on behalf of the organization.


Sheri Levy


Dr. Sheri Levy

We are delighted to recognize Sheri Levy with the 2021 SPSSI Distinguished Service Award. Dr. Levy earned her PhD in Psychology from Columbia University. As a graduate student, Dr. Levy was already a bright star in the SPSSI sky, earning the SPSSI Social Issues Dissertation Award. Dr. Levy is currently an Associate Professor of Psychology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Through her career, Dr. Levy has focused on gerontology and aging issues, intergroup perceptions and stigma, as well as student engagement.

Dr. Levy’s editorial service to SPSSI is particularly appreciated. She co-edited a Journal of Social Issues (JSI) issue in 1999 on addressing theoretical advances in reducing prejudice. In 2010, she assumed the role of JSI’s Editor-in-Chief and served until 2012 in that responsibility. She also served on the Editorial Board of Social Issues and Policy Review.  

Dr. Levy has also served SPSSI in leadership roles. In 2006, she was Program Co-Chair of SPSSI’s Biennial Meeting. She was elected to SPSSI Council in 2007, serving a three-year term.

Recently, Dr. Levy received a grant from SPSSI’s Researchers in the Global South program entitled: "How Aging Stereotypes, Aging Anxiety, and Social Support Impact the Mental and Physical Health of Middle Age and Older Colombians during the COVID-19 Pandemic. She has received several SPSSI Grants-in-Aid awards for several projects.

SPSSI has also recognized Dr. Sheri Levy’s contributions through the Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring Award as well as two honorable mentions for the Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International Relations Prize. 

For all of her involvement with SPSSI, from governance to editorial leadership, we recognize Dr. Sheri Levy with the SPSSI Distinguished Service Award for 2021, with deep appreciation for her significant contributions.


Previous Distinguished Service to SPSSI Award Winners