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SAGES Award Recipients, 2009

by Frances Cherry, Selection Committee Chair


The SAGES program was developed to tap the experiences of retired social scientists who would like to be more involved in intervention projects or other activities that would allow them to use their research expertise to assist in solving social problems.  Grants are available to applicants who are SPSSI members and are retired or over the age of 60.  This year’s SAGES Committee included Dr. Warren Thorngate, Dr. Cynthia Deutsch, and Dr. Frances Cherry (Chair).  The following scholars were awarded:  


Dr. Lou Penner (Senior Scientist, Communication and Behavioral Oncology Program

at Karmanos Cancer Institute; Wayne State University)  Dr. Penner’s research proposal is entitled The effects of explicit and implicit racial bias on racially discordant medical interactions.


Dr. Louis J. Medvene (Department of Psychology; Wichita State University)

Dr. Medvene’s research proposal is entitled Promoting collaborative research opportunities around person-centered caregiving with long-term care residents with and without dementia.


Dr. Ian Lubek (Department of Psychology; Guelph University)

Dr. Lubek’s action research proposal is entitled Collaborative empowerment to reduce risks of HIV/AIDS in Siem Reap, Cambodia.


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