The quality and diversity of these papers is testimony to the health of the Journal and the energy and efforts of the editorial board and our ad-hoc reviewers. This 2011 volume may be found online at, perhaps in your campus or local library, and, if you are a SPSSI member, in your own mailbox as well. Beginning with the 2012 volume, hard copies of the Journal will no longer be routinely delivered to SPSSI members (hard copies will continue to be sent to library and institutional subscribers). By curtailing hardcopy deliveries, Wiley and SPSSI will save paper and reduce publication costs; these reduced costs will allow the Journal to increase by 30% in length. This should alleviate the editorial backlog the Journal presently faces. (In addition to those papers in the 2011 volume, 12 papers and 16 comments/reviews may presently be found in the Early View section of the ASAP-Wiley website). There will be six new members of the editorial board for 2012, Joel Nadler (Southern Illinois University), Alexandra Rutherford (York U, Toronto), Fran Cherry (Carleton U, Ottawa), David Livert (Penn State – Lehigh Valley), Keith Brown (St. Joseph’s), and Roberta Iversen (Penn). Nadler will be serving as Book Review Editor, Rutherford will be joining the board in the capacity of Associate Editor – Historical Perspectives, Cherry will assist with the reviewing of papers with significant historical content and Livert will continue to review papers in community psychology and related areas. Brown is a sociologist and Iversen’s background is in social work and social policy, both have published in ASAP and are needed to help with the review of papers from outside of social psychology. ASAPhas been ranked well within the top quartile (48/372) for journal impact in the category Social Science (miscellaneous) in the SCIMAGO bibliometric database compiled by Elsevier. We look forward to publishing your careful scholarship, informed commentary, and thoughtful book reviews.