As we went to press, the NC initiative against marriage equality was passed by voters. SPSSI will proactively address this critically important social justice issue in multiple ways at our upcoming conference in Charlotte. Please keep an eye out for updates and announcements.

Issue No. 245
Summer, 2012
President's Column
Maureen O'Connor
Editor's Column
Janice Adelman
Special Thanks to Two Special SPSSI Central Office Vendors
Susan Dudley, SPSSI Executive Director
Policy Report
Alex Ingrams, Policy Coordinator
Update on the Journal of Social Issues
Sheri Levy, JSI Editor
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy
Kevin Lanning, ASAP Editor
SPSSI Around the World
Spotlight on Anja Eller, PhD.
Psychologists Collaborate at the UN on Advocacy
for the Eradication of Poverty
Corann Okorodudu
Teaching and Mentoring Column
Kim Case, Teaching and Mentoring Committee Chair
SPSSI In the Classroom: A "Mindful"
Approach to Teaching Social Issues
Tracie L. Stewart, University of Mississippi
Report on the Task Force on Two-Tiered Academic Labor
Gretchen Reevy
SPSSI New York
Harold Takooshian, Chair
APA Council of Representatives
Wendy Williams, Richard Suinn
SPSSI's 2012 Biennial Conference in Charlotte, NC
Demis Glasford and David Livert, Program Co-Chairs
Division 9 at APA
Justin D. Hackett and Sean Massey, Program Co-Chairs
Call for Submissions
Joint SPSSI-EASP Small Group Conference
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