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   2012 Awards
   Anila Balkissoon, SPSSI Administrative Coordinator


Kurt Lewin Award
Applied Social Issues Internship Funding
Clara Mayo Grants
Louise Kidder Early Career Award
Spring & Timely Reviewed Grants-In-Aid
Teaching Awards
SAGES Grant Awards
Biennial Conference Travel Grants

SPSSI 2012 Kurt Lewin Award

Named for the late Kurt Lewin, a pioneer in the science of group dynamics and a founder of SPSSI, this award is presented annually for “outstanding contributions to the development and integration of psychological research and social action.”

The Lewin Award recipient presents a distinguished address each year as part of SPSSI's programming at either the APA’s Annual Convention or at SPSSI's biennial convention. For further details, please visit the Kurt Lewin Award page.


Miles Hewstone and Lou Penner (Kurt Lewin Award Committee Chair) 
at the SPSSI Biennial Convention in Charlotte, NC.

Miles Hewstone
2012 Kurt Lewin Award Winner

This year’s Lewin Award was presented at the biennial convention to Miles Hewstone, Professor of Social Psychology at Oxford University, England. Having received his D.Phil from Oxford in 1981, he subsequently worked with such psychology greats as Serge Moscovici and Wolfgang Stroebe. Miles Hewstone has served as editor of the British Journal of Social Psychology and was co-founding editor of the European Review of Social Psychology. Beyond his impressive publications record (over 200 scholarly articles and contributions to edited volumes and over 20 books), he received the British Psychological Society’s (BPS) Spearman Medal (1987), the BPS President’s Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychological Knowledge (2001), the European Association for Social Psychology’s Kurt Lewin Award for Distinguished Research Achievement (2005), SPSSI’s Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize (2005), and the Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Robert B. Cialdini Award (2008). Befitting someone who is awarded two different Kurt Lewin awards, Miles Hewstone is actively involved in efforts to improve intergroup relations through public policy in the UK, as well as through non-academic outlets including appearances on BBC Newsnight and the BBC Radio 4 programs Mind Changers and All in the Mind. We applaud Miles Hewstone and his achievements in advancing social psychology to inform modern issues of intergroup conflict throughout the world.

Miles Hewstone’s Lewin address will be published in a future JSI issue. Below is the abstract from his talk.

Intergroup Contact & Its Critics: Four Funerals & a Wedding

Intergroup contact theory (Allport, 1954; Hewstone, 2009) constitutes social psychology’s major weapon in the fight against prejudice. Notwithstanding its impressive meta-analytic support (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006) critics have attacked theory and research on contact for four major perceived limitations: (1) its avoidance of real group differences, and hence lack of practical significance (McCauley, 2001); (2) its emphasis on rarefied conditions that are rarely, if ever, found outside the laboratory, and an over-reliance on attitudinal outcomes (Dixon et al., 2005); (3) its emphasis on the individual level, which may reduce prejudice, whereas contact interventions at the societal level may heighten perceived threat, and increase prejudice (Forbes, 1997); (4) its failure to account for the purported negative impact of neighborhood diversity on trust (Putnam, 2007). In response to these critiques I draw on a welter of my own experimental, cross-sectional and longitudinal data, much of it based on large probability surveys, showing how contemporary theory and research on contact have successfully responded to these claims. Intergroup contact theory hence provides a powerful, theoretically-based tool for engaging with conflictual intergroup relations. It can, moreover, play a key role as a powerful theoretical framework at the intersection of multiple social and behavioral sciences—sociology, political science, and social psychology—whose potential to impact policy is still unrealized.


SPSSI 2012 Applied Social Issues Internship Funding

This program encourages and funds research that is conducted in cooperation with a community or government organization, public interest group, or other not-for-profit entity that will benefit directly from the project. Members of the Applied Social Issues Award Committee included Drs. Ronni Greenwood and Aisling O’Donnell.

For further details and eligibility requirements, please visit the Applied Social Issues Internship page.

Congratulations to the following recipients:

Lauren Dewey, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Providing care for many in the context of few resources: Consequences for healthcare providers in rural Uganda.

Silvia Fernandez-Campos, The New School for Social Research
Helpful and hurtful empathy in relation to rape survivors.

Alexis Halkovic, City University New York Graduate Center
The prison-to-college pipeline: Participatory action research as support in the transition of NYC Justice Corps members through higher education.

Alicia Sanchez, Vanderbilt University
Gaining perspective on Community Land Trusts (CLTs): A pilot study to measure the neighborhood effects of a shared equity housing model.


SPSSI 2012 Spring Clara Mayo Grants

The Clara Mayo Grant Program was set up to support master's theses or pre-dissertation research on aspects of sexism, racism, or prejudice, with preference given to students enrolled in a terminal master’s program. Studies of the application of theory or the design of interventions or treatments to address these problems are welcomed. The 2012 Spring Selection Committee consisted of Drs. Phillip Hammack (Chair), University of California at Santa Cruz, Sara McClelland, University of Michigan, David Frost, San Francisco State University, and Kristin Lane, Bard College. For more details, please visit the Clara Mayo Grants page.

Congratulations to the following Clara Mayo grant recipients:

Lisa Bitacola, Simon Fraser University
The impact of status beliefs and cross-group interactions on collective action.

Ines Jurcevic, University of California at Los Angeles
"They said it, not me”: Whites’ use of racial minorities’ negative evaluations to justify bias.

Jenni Schultz, Tufts University
I-Sharing is caring: Using I-Sharing to improve interracial interactions.

Chadly Stern, New York University
Solidarity or exclusion? Perceptions of community in the fight for same-sex marriage.


SPSSI 2012 Louise Kidder Early Career Award

The award was set up to recognize social issues researchers who have made substantial contributions to the field early in their careers. This award is named for a living person—Louise Kidder—in honor of her own early career accomplishments and contributions to SPSSI. The 2012 Louise Kidder Award Selection Committee consisted of Drs. Tarika Daftary (Chair) and Jennifer Groscup. For further details and eligibility requirements, please visit the Louise Kidder Early Career Award page.

Tessa West, New York University

Tessa West received her Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut in 2008 and has been teaching in NYU’s Department of Psychology since. Her research concerns the nature and dynamics of social perception while addressing both theoretical and methodological issues in the study of interpersonal and intergroup relations. She received an NSF Research Incentive Award in 2010 and currently serves on the editorial boards for Social Psychological & Personality Science and the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Congratulations to Dr. Tessa West for her many accomplishments thus far, and for being selected as this year’s recipient of the Louise Kidder Early Career Award.


SPSSI 2012 Spring & Timely Reviewed Grants-In-Aid

SPSSI’s competitive Grants-In-Aid program supports scientific research in social problem areas related to the basic interests and goals of SPSSI and particularly those that are not likely to receive support from traditional sources. The members of the Spring 2012 Selection Committee were Drs. Rachel Annunziato (Chair), Catherine Borshuk, Anthony Marsella and Michelle Tichy.

For further details and eligibility requirements, click here

Congratulations to the following scholars who were awarded funding thus far in 2012!

Kristin Aschbacher, University of California at san Francisco
Perceived discrimination, stress responses and cardiovascular regeneration among African Americans.

Ruth Belknap, Marquette University
Sudden deportation: Intersections of immigration status, migration history, and life history of violence in women who have been deported from the U.S. to Mexico.

Erin Cue, University of California at Los Angeles
Let’s YAP about the future: A youth attribution program for African American 6th graders.

Adam Fingerhut, Loyola Marymount University, and David Frost, Columbia University
Election experiences in the lives of LGB individuals and same-sex couples.

Sarah Gaither, Tufts University
Mixed-race perceptions: Fluidity in categorization, racial identity and behavior.

Negin Ghavami, University of California at Los Angeles
Disparities in health and academics of ethnic minority LGBQ students in urban middle schools.

Deborah Hall, Arizona State University
Bridging the political divide: Consequences of outgroup similarity for political polarization.

Lori Kinkler, Clark University
Lesbian, gay, and heterosexual single adoptive parents by choice: Perceived stigma and challenges.

Agostino Mazziotta, Fernuniversitaet in Hagen, and Friederike Feuchte, University Rostock
Theatre for reconciliation in Liberia: Development, implementation, and evaluation of a theory-based community intervention.

Andrea Miller, University of Minnesota
The separate spheres ideology: Addressing work-life conflict in the United States from a system justification perspective.

Anjali Rameshbabu, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Self-regulation of saturated fat intake in blue-collar employees.

Deborah Son Holoien, Princeton University
Asymmetries in understanding between Whites and Blacks.

Nhan L. Truong, Tougaloo College
Masculinity and HIV sexual risk behaviors among Gay-identified and non-Gay-identified African American men who have sex with men from the state of Mississippi.

Jojanneke van der Toorn, Leiden University
Re-norming deviance: The influence of homonegativity on evaluations of Gay couples and partners.


SPSSI 2012 Teaching Awards

SPSSI confers annual awards for outstanding teaching in areas related to the psychological study of social issues. These awards recognize teaching excellence in a variety of contexts. The Teaching Award Committee consisted of Drs. Kim A. Case (Chair), Desdamona Rios, and Peony Fhagen-Smith. Please see the Forward Summer 2012 issue for more details about winners and runners-up.

For application details and eligibility requirements, please visit the Outstanding Teaching & Mentoring Award page.

Congratulations to the Teaching Award recipients:

Outstanding Teaching and MentoringAmanda Clinton, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus

Innovative Teaching: Shantal Marshall, Stanford University and University of California at Los Angeles


SPSSI 2012 SAGES Grant Awards

The SAGES Program was set up to encourage our retired members to apply their knowledge to helping solve social problems or to assist policymakers to solve social problems. Proposals are invited that use social science research findings to address social problems through direct action projects, consulting with not-for-profit groups, or through preparing reviews of existing social science literature that could be used by policymakers. The 2012 SAGES Committee was comprised of Drs. Warren Thorngate and Ian Lubek.

For more information, including application and eligibility requirements, please visit the SAGES Program page.

Congratulations to the SAGES grant recipients:

Kathleen Malley-Morrison, Boston University
Engaging peace: Linking academic peace studies and grassroots peace activism.

Sam McFarland, Western Kentucky University
Educating on the influences of science on the advance of human rights.

Gila Kornfeld-Jacobs, Northeastern University
Advancing immigrant psychosocial wellbeing: A counseling program for immigrant students.

Arie Nadler, Tel Aviv University
The social psychology of helping interactions: Research on seeking, giving and receiving help and its applications.


SPSSI 2012 Biennial Conference Travel Grants

SPSSI offers an array of travel grant opportunities for conference attendees, including Graduate Student Travel Awards, International Travel Awards, Diversity Student Travel Awards, and the Crosby-Spendlove Travel Award.

Travel grants are awarded only for SPSSI’s stand-alone biennial convention. Details including deadlines and eligibility requirements are announced in advance of the conference. Please check the SPSSI website for further information.

Congratulations to all Travel Award recipients!

List compiled by Anila Balkissoon, SPSSI Administrative Coordinator.

Crosby-Spendlove Travel Award Winner

Ayse Burcin Erarslan, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey

Diversity Student Travel Award Winners

Nadia Bashir, University of Toronto

Kathryn Boucher, Indiana University–Bloomington

Andrew Case, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Jesica Fernandez, University of California, Santa Cruz

David Kille, University of Waterloo, Canada

David Lick, University of Virginia

Veronica Rabelo, University of Michigan

Erin Thomas, Yale University

Crystal Tse, University of Toronto

Leigh Wilton, Rutgers University

Graduate Student Travel Award Winners

Jan Marie Alegre, Princeton University

Sarah Bailey, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville

Manisha Gupta, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Danielle Kohfeldt, University of California, Santa Cruz

Natalia Lapshina, University of Western Ontario

Emily Leskinen, University of Michigan

Manyu Li, University of Pittsburgh

Sahana Mukherjee, University of Kansas

Shirley V. Truong, University of California at Santa Cruz

Felecia Webb, Washington University, St. Louis

International Travel Award Winners

Alison Baker, Victoria University, Australia

Mariya Chayinska, University of Milan at Bicocca, Italy

Agostino Mazziotta, University of Hagen, Germany

Chuma Owuamalam, University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus

Hermann Swart, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

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