Editor's Note
Janice R. Adelman, Forward Editor
In North America, summer is finally winding down (at least in California where I write this) and the briskness of fall is beginning to make an appearance. Academic semester sessions are in full-swing, the fiscal year is turning over, and our work and lives and interests keep moving Forward (pardon the pun…!). It is a pleasure to bring this issue to you now, as it is chock-full of information and excitement spilling over from two successful SPSSI convention programming events. The first, of course, is our own biennial convention, held in June. Articles, photos, and highlights of convention activities can be found here. I would be remiss not to point out the incredible list of accomplished award winners who were honored at the convention. In addition, I am also delighted to have two fantastic articles that highlight what SPSSI members do best in the field and in the classroom. Stephen Reicher (one of our convention keynote speakers) provides examples of how social psychological research on collective action and crowds is vital to understanding and empowering communities and governments alike. Amanda Clinton (2012 Outstanding Teaching & Mentoring Award Recipient) details the creative ways that she makes a range of psychology topics—even those seemingly far-removed from social domains—relevant to social issues and the students themselves. The second SPSSI program was held at APA’s annual meeting in August. Check out Allen Omoto’s article, Maureen O’Connor’s article and Alex Ingram’s article for highlights from SPSSI in Florida. Then, consider being a part of SPSSI’s programing at next year’s APA convention in Honolulu, HI! The call for proposals (and program reviewers) can be found here. There is a lot more to read in this issue that I hope you will enjoy (including an interview with President-Elect Dominic Abrams, more on SPSSI and APA governance, updates on SPSSI’s journals, and outstanding SPSSI members in the news.
Finally, it is with sadness that we report that M. Brewster Smith, one of our pioneering SPSSI psychologists, has recently passed away. Craig Haney, his colleague at UCSC, has written a lovely tribute to Brewster in his honor that can be found here. I hope that we are all inspired just a little more after reading about his incredible life.