SPSSI and Social Psychology in the News
No scientific basis for prohibiting same-sex marriage, key associations argue
Violence Against Women Act passed by House, sent to Obama for signature
We aren't the world
Infants in poverty show different physiological vulnerabilities to the caregiving environment
In rich and poor nations, giving makes people feel better than getting, research finds
Why gender equality stalled
Studying the health of same-sex couples
Primed for controversy
The power of one: The psychology of charity
Shooting in the dark
On the Hill: News from the US Congress February 28, 2013: H.R. 909, To amend title IV of the Social Security Act to require States to implement a drug testing program for applicants for and recipients of assistance under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Familes (TANF) program. Referred to Committee. Read more here. February 28, 2013: H.R. 898, To authorize appropriations for fiscal years 2014-2017 for the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, and for other purposes. Referred to Committee. Read more here. February 28, 2013: H.R. 897, To amend title 38, United States code, to expand the definition of homeless veteran for purposes of benefits under the laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Referred to Comittee. Read more here. February 14, 2013: H.R. 906, To amend title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to provide for improvements under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in the criminal justice system and to amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to include human trafficking as a part 1 violent crime for purposes of the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program. Referred to Committee. Read more here. February 28, 2013: S. 47. Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013. This bill was passed by the House. Read more here. February 27, 2013: H.R. 861, To better protect, serve, and advance the rights of victims of elder abuse and exploitation by establishing a program to encourage States and other qualified entities to create jobs designed to hold offenders accountable, enhance the capacity of the justice system to investigate, pursue, and prosecute elder abuses cases, identify existing resources to leverage to the extent possible, and assure data collection, research, and evaluation to promote the efficacy and efficiency of the activities described in this Act. Referred to Committee. Read more here. February 26, 2013: H.R. 840, To improve services for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. Referred to Committee. Read more here. February 26, 2013: H.R. 838, To provide grants to States in order to prevent racial profiling. Referred to Committee. Read more here. February 25, 2013: H.R. 812, To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to improve education and prevention related to campus sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Referred to Committee. Read more here. February 25, 2013: H.R. 808, To establish a Department of Peacebuilding. Referred to Committee. Read more here. February 25, 2013: S. 374, To ensure that all individuals who should be prohibited from buying a firearm are listed in the national instant criminal background check system and require a background check for every firearm sale. Referred to Committee. Read more here. February 15, 2013: H.R. 780, To authorize Indian tribes to exercise jurisdiction over crimes of domestic violent that occur in the Indian country of that tribe. Referred to Committee. Read more here.
Further Resources SPSSI fact sheets, policy statements, and events SPSSI Congressional briefing on the Violence Against Women Act SPSSI call for increased research on gun violence |