Early Career Scholars Programming SPSSI Early Career Scholar Workshop, New Orleans 2010. Click here for ECS Workshop presentations. Click to read the Fall 2009 and the Summer 2010 ECS column in Forward. This section serves as a clearinghouse for information of special interest to early career professionals who are affiliated with SPSSI, with information on grants and awards, websites with career resources, convention events, and more. If you would like more information, or would like to become more involved in SPSSI's early career initiatives, please contact the committee chair, Jessica Salvatore.
Highlights from the 2010 SPSSI Convention Early Career Scholars Events
This discussion covered topics including tips for surviving the first year, finding time for research, planning and preparing for your tenure review, and managing balance. How might faculty carve out the necessary time to cultivate an active research program, especially at teaching institutions? What materials should faculty collect for presentation in their tenure case file? How might faculty manage success in various professional expectations with regard to research, teaching, and service? How might faculty deal with the potential pitfalls of departmental and institutional politics? Check out Tips for Thriving on the Tenure Track.