Small-Scale Events Advancing SPSSI (SEAS) Grants
SPSSI SEAS grants are intended to promote awareness of SPSSI, to identify potential new members, and to promote SPSSI membership through support of:
• Small-scale events hosted at a member’s institution or other local venue related to the psychological study of social issues. These events may include, but are not limited to, departmental or institutional speakers or speaker series, research symposia, brown-bag events or series, or mini-conferences.
• Initiatives that enhance SPSSI membership through the creation of researcher links, networks, and other collaborative opportunities, including building connections among early career, graduate student, new, and established members.
• Pre-conferences or smaller meeting attached to larger conferences where the theme and content of the meeting is related to the psychological study of social issues.
Current regular dues-paying members of SPSSI. (If not a current member of SPSSI, a membership application may be submitted along with the grant application). Graduate student members may apply, with a faculty mentor/advisor serving as a co-applicant.
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated on the event’s potential to attract new SPSSI members, promote SPSSI’s basic interests and goals, and/or to facilitate research links, networks, and capacity. Thus, proposals should include a clear statement of how SPSSI membership information will be advertised and promoted as part of the event, and how the event will promote SPSSI's basic interests or goals. Proposals for events drawing attendees/participants from two or more institutions, departments, and/or disciplines are highly encouraged.
Up to $1,000 USD per submission team will be awarded based on actual expenses. Funds may be used to publicize the event, pay speakers’ honoraria, reimburse speakers’ travel expenses, print collateral materials, or other expenses related to the specific project. Funds may not be used for paying SPSSI membership dues, honoraria for organizers, or costs not directly related to the project or event. In the case of a pre-conference or other larger events, the award can be used to supplement other funding sources, and in this case it should be clear in the budget what specifically SPSSI funds will be used for and how this use might also serve to promote SPPSI membership and interests/goals. Payment will be matched against receipts submitted to SPSSI after the event has been held.
The application should include:
a) A cover letter with contact information for organizers.
b) A brief proposal (up to 1000 words) outlining the purpose of the event and its anticipated
outcomes. You will need to state how SPSSI will be featured at the event, and how the event
will attract and/or recruit new SPSSI members.
c) A detailed budget (one page or less) outlining the use of funds, and including additional sources of funding that will be sought to support the event.
Deadline for Submission: September 15th annually
Proposals for events that are highly timely and event-specific may be submitted at any time during the year and will be reviewed within one month of receipt on an ad hoc basis. To submit a time-sensitive application, indicate this in an email to Justin Belsley.
Apply online now! Online submissions are the preferred method. Please limit the number and size of files uploaded when applying online.
The merit of your application will be evaluated by the Small Scale Events Advancing SPSSI Grant committee.
Post-Event Reports
Within 30 days after completion of the event, a brief report outlining the activities and outcomes achieved must be submitted to SPSSI. Particularly successful or innovative events may receive coverage in the SPSSI newsletter or on the SPSSI website.
Click here to view the most recent and previous Grant Winners!