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 Graduate Student Travel Award for the
2024 SPSSI Annual Conference

Philadelphia, PA
June 21–23, 2024


The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Graduate Student Committee is pleased to announce the annual Graduate Student Travel Award Competition. Up to 10 expense reimbursements, in the amount of $500.00, will be awarded to graduate students for travel to the upcoming SPSSI conference. Travel awards will cover all conference-related expenses up to a maximum of $500, including transportation, lodging, food, and conference registration. Award payments will be made only in the form of post-conference reimbursement for documented expenses. Applicants must submit all of their receipts and tax and expense forms to SPSSI Central Office for reimbursement.

Eligibility Requirements:

Decision Process and Notification: Applications will be blind reviewed by a team of peer reviewers led by the 2024 Graduate Student Committee. Decisions will be based on the excellence of the submitted conference abstract and a compelling case for the professional benefits of participating. Priority will be given to first or sole authors. Winners will be notified by e-mail as soon as possible.    

How to Apply:

To apply for the Conference Travel Funding Programs you must apply, in one step, for all SPSSI 2024 Conference Travel Funding Programs for which you are eligible with the following form:

2024 SPSSI Conference Travel Funding Form


  • Only submit this form once to apply for all waivers for which you are eligible.
  • You will be emailed a copy of your responses, which are also editable.
  • The Google Chrome browser is highly recommended.  
  • If needed, use the back button within the survey at the bottom of the survey page toward the left and your work will be retained.
  • Beware! Using the browser back button will start the form over and your work will be erased.

Deadline: April 15, 2024

SPSSI will notify all applicants of the award decisions via email as soon as possible following the deadline.

Once notified, travel funding recipients must accept or decline their award within one week following notification.

Questions about conference travel funding programs?  Contact SPSSI's Manager of Programs and Operations, Justin Belsley.