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Welcome from the GSC Chair
Ashley Weinberg
Letter from the Editor
Kristan Russell


Rookie Articles

Future Directions for SPSSI's Graduate Student Members
Jaboa Lake, Portland State University

Publishing Norms and the About Me Section: Pronoun Matters
Shaun Glaze, Boston College

3 ways to make your PhD harder than it needs to be
Cassandra M. Chapman, University of Queensland

The Importance of Having the Right Advisor
Kristan Russell, University of Nevada- Reno

Writing women into psychology: Summarizing our research on representation and communication of gender in textbooks
Meghan George and Tal Davidson, York University

Space In-between
Laura Bogardus, Clemson University

From the Court to the Streets: Understanding the MoralSelf in the Context of Sports and Protest in Hong Kong
Paul V. KHIATANI and MinnieH.C.SHE, City University of Hong Kong


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