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Diversity Preconference:

Paradigm Shift: Recalibrating Diversity and Inclusivity

SPSSI’s second Diversity Preconference was organized under the theme “Paradigm Shift: Recalibrating Diversity and Inclusivity” and aimed to help SPSSI’s diverse members and those with diversity-related interests to develop professional skills within academia, policy/applied areas, and in the overlap of the two. Participants were able to broaden their perspectives on new and emerging trends and how addressing these trends can assist in recalibrating diversity, equity and inclusivity. This preconference provided a space for members to share with, learn from, and find community with other SPSSI members from underrepresented and marginalized groups. Sessions included talks from diverse speakers on issues relevant and of interest to SPSSI members (e.g., ensuring social justice in research), an in-depth panel discussion, and breakout activities in smaller groups for a robust and courageous conversation about new and emerging trends in diversity.