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From our Editor

Ashley M. Votruba, J.D., Ph.D., University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Many of us are embarking on the start of the semester. With that comes the excitement of a bustling campus full of students rushing to class and labs that are gearing up for new data collection. Personally, I’m happy to see campus come back to life, but I miss my nearly completed to-do lists of summer.

Reflecting on summer has me also reflecting on the SPSSI 2019 Conference: Fighting Injustice: The Power of Research, Policy, and Activism in Challenging Times. Much of the conference highlighted the research-policy connection that is important to SPSSI and its members. Throughout the conference, we acknowledged the challenges we face and reaffirmed the power of social science research to inform policy surrounding those challenges. In this issue of The Forward, we asked a few of the conference presenters and discussion leaders to offer their reflections from conferences events.

Continue reading this article here.



Summer 2019

In This Edition

SPSSI's Newly Elected Leaders

New SPSSI Book on Ableism

Update from APA COR

ASAP Update

JSI Update

SIPR Update

In Memoriam

The GSC Newsletter:

Social Issues from Student Perspectives

Policy in Action

Advocacy vs. Activism

Using Service Learning

Breaking the School to Prison Pipeline

Research to Policy

Reflections from SPSSI's Intern


Forward edited
by Ashley Votruba