"Judicial Notebook" is a project of SPSSI (APA Div. 9)
A legal fight over tribal rights
Did Congress ever officially abolish the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Reservation and what are the legal and psychological ramifications of that decision?
LaFortune, K. A., & Rush, V. S. (2019, November 1). A legal fight over tribal rights. Monitor on Psychology, 50(10).
What is mental anguish worth?
Some states put less value on mental and emotional distress than on physical injuries.
Vallano, J. P., & Sneyd, D. E. (2019, October 1). What is mental anguish worth? Monitor on Psychology, 50(9).
Insiders' tactics for securing tenure
Advice on how to assemble portfolios that impress tenure review committees.
Stringer, H. (2019, October 1). Insiders' tactics for securing tenure. Monitor on Psychology, 50(9).
When parents are incarcerated, their children are punished, too
Psychologists have a role in evaluating policies and programs aimed at supporting children who are experiencing parental incarceration
By Cynthia Najowski, PhD, and Melissa Noel, MA, September 1, 2019, Vol. 50, No. 8
'I'll take the deal, if you think it's best'
Attorneys can lead defendants to accept plea deals they don’t really want. Psychologists can help us understand how.
By Jonathan P. Vallano, PhD, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, and Laura J. Shambaugh, Florida International University, July/August 2019, Vol 50, No. 7
Bullying is not just a problem for teens
A lawsuit brought by the resident of a senior living center raises the issue of bullying among older adults
By Brittany Wiegand, MA, and Jennifer K. Robbennolt, JD, PhD, University of Illinois College of Law, June 2019, Vol 50, No. 6
Can a state abolish the insanity defense?
An upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case will determine how much latitude states have in setting—or abolishing—traditional insanity defense standards
By Cynthia Calkins, PhD, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, May 2019, Vol 50, No. 5
A call to study Native Americans' experiences in tribal and U.S. courts
There are 573 federally recognized tribes, each with its own government and court system. It’s time to understand their differences.
By Kathryn A. LaFortune, JD, PhD, and Violet S. Rush, Cherokee Nation citizen/Muscogee Creek, JD candidate at The University of Tulsa College of Law, April 2019, Vol 50, No. 4
How video may influence jurors’ decisions about police defendants
The use of smartphones, “dash cams” and other video recording technology appears to be leading the way to a new era of police accountability
By Margaret C. Stevenson, PhD, and Cynthia J. Najdowski, PhD, March 2019, Vol 50, No. 3
Supreme Court to review discrimination in jury selection
The court will review a prosecutor’s practice of striking African-Americans from the juries of a case that went to trial six times
By Marc W. Pearce, JD, PhD, and Kimberly S. Della Paolera, MA, MLS, February 2019, Vol 50, No. 2
What rights to insurance policies do divorced spouses have?
The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on this issue raises interesting psychological questions about the probable intent of the deceased
By Richard L. Kaplan, JD, and Jennifer K. Robbennolt, JD, PhD, University of Illinois College of Law, January 2019, Vol 50, No. 1