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From our
Incoming Editor

Sarah Herrmann, Assistant Professor,
Weber State University 

As we begin another semester in our new pandemic reality, I have been considering the ways in which our lives—and our classrooms—have changed in the last year. It is a difficult time for so many, but there have also been some unexpected benefits to teaching virtually. When I resume teaching in two days, I look forward to seeing my students (and their kids and pets) on Zoom. I’m glad to be able to reach nontraditional and rural students who were previously unable to access courses we only offered in person. I enjoy the discussion and excellent questions posed in the chat. I can’t wait for the chorus of “thank you’s” that conclude each class. Once we are vaccinated and safe in the near future, these are some of the norms that I hope we will get “back to normal.”


From our

Keon West, SPSSI President,
Associate Professor, Goldsmiths; University of London

The end of 2020 gave many a sense of great relief. It was one of the most challenging years that we had faced. Insecurity at work, difficulties at home, distrust of the authorities, concerns about deadly police brutality, and a pandemic that has killed almost 2 million people to date. These were no small concerns, and many were glad to leave the year behind.

However, despite the enthusiasm for 2021, a new realization has crept in. The difficulties of 2020 were not the result of fate or magic, but merely of the systems we have built, or failed to build. This includes tangible things – public healthcare and fair taxation, accountability for police officers and politicians – but also systems that are less tangible but equally important, such as systems of power, privilege, and prejudice. These systems, good and bad, affect us all.

Continue reading this article here.


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Winter 2021
In This Edition

Editor's Column

From our Incoming Editor

From the Leadership

A Time for Celebration

SPSSI: Ahead of Its Time
and Still Moving Forward

Committee Reports

SPSSI Communications Committee
Activities for Spring 2021

Updates from
the Early Career Scholars Committee

SPSSI UN Committee
Issues Statement on the
Psychological Effects of
Water Stress

Policy Report

Grappling with the
Long-Term Effects
of the Pandemic
on U.S. School Children


SPSSI-NY regional group activities

Teaching and
Research in Focus


Utilizing Social Action
Projects in the Virtual Classroom

Leveraging experiential learning
to teach about gender bias

Improving Community Connectedness
through Green Environments:
A Natural Approach
to Improved Health
and Psychological Well-Being

Navigating the “Hidden” Terrain:
Mentoring First-Generation College Students

Teaching Neo-diversity
Forward edited
by Sarah Herrman