SPSSI 2021 Conference Co-Chair
Dr. Roxanne Moadel-Attie is a social psychologist and Area Manager at the U.S. Census Bureau for the 2020 Census. She received her bachelor's degree in Psychology from Barnard College, Columbia University and her doctorate in Social/Health Psychology from Stony Brook University with a concentration in Quantitative Methods.
Roxanne's research interests broadly span across social identity, prejudice reduction, and stereotyping as it applies to intergroup relations and public policy. More specifically, she is interested in constraints placed on social identity (e.g., identity denial) and its implications for intergroup relations and public policy, such as the demographic data collection completed by the decennial census for federal budget allocation and congressional reapportionment.
As part of her federal service, Roxanne has been acknowledged with four Special Act Awards from 2019 to 2021, and was nominated twice for the Mission and Vision Pioneers Award from 2018 to 2020. Further, to support her academic work, Roxanne was a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, a Clara Mayo Grant recipient, and a John O'Neale Grant recipient. She has been actively involved in SPSSI affairs since 2014 as an annual reviewer for APA Division 9, a participant in the Legislative Engagement Day on Capitol Hill, a United Nations-NGO SPSSI Intern, a Program Co-Chair of the Psychology Coalition of NGOs Accredited at the UN, a Vice Chair of the UN NGO Committee on Education, Learning and Literacy, and a UN Psychology Day committee member.