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2021 Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring Award Winner

Tess Neal is an associate professor of psychology, a founding faculty member of ASU's Law and Behavioral Science Initiative, and inaugural director of ASU’s new Future of Forensic Science Initiative. She is a scientist, a licensed psychologist, and a parent of two young children. Dr. Neal’s work has been funded by multiple grants from the National Science Foundation and she has has published one edited book and more than three dozen peer-reviewed publications in such journals as Psychological Science in the Public Interest; PLoS ONE; American Psychologist; Psychology, Public Policy, and Law; and Criminal Justice and Behavior. She was selected as a Fulbright Scholar to Australia in 2021, received an ASU Outstanding Faculty Mentor award in 2020, was named a 2016 "Rising Star” by the Association for Psychological Science, and received the 2016 SPSSI Michelle Alexander Early Career Award for Scholarship and Service. She currently serves as Associate Editor of Psychology, Public Policy, and Law and the Journal of Personality Assessment and as an Open Science Advisor for Clinical Psychological Science. She directs the Clinical and Legal Judgment Lab at ASU.