Spring 2024 Clara Mayo Grant Recipients
Baker-Olson (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Gender and Sexual Socialization of LGB Emerging Adults
Amanda Batista (Arizona State University)
From “Superwoman” to ‘That Girl’ – Examining the Effects of Social Media Use and Gender Targeted TikTok Content on Perfectionism, Body Dissatisfaction, and Disordered Eating Behaviors in Young Women
Pui Yee Connie Chiu (The City University of New York)
Understanding Rising Autocratic Legalism in the United States: The Motivated Use of Legal Rules to Suppress Racial Minorities
Paige Klein (University of Colorado Colorado Springs)
Healing wounds of the soul: Examining how guilt-related cognitions and self-compassion relate to moral injury among survivors of intimate partner violence
Mingjia (Sherlock) Liu (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign)
Racialized Emojis: Exploring Racial Biases in Online Interactions
Haniya Rumaney (City University of New York)
Investigating the impact of stigma salience on conspiracy endorsement among marginalized religious groups
Fall 2023 Clara Mayo Grant Recipients
Jonathan Doriscar (Northwestern University)
Understanding the Dynamics of Racial Prejudice Reduction
Brandon Dull (Northwestern University)
A Critical Qualitative Examination of How White Adolescent Boys Negotiate Privilege, Power, and Oppression
Alaina Helmerichs (Georgia Southern University)
Masculine vs. Feminine Women: Outcomes in the Legal System
Maria Gabriela Molina (Villanova University)
The effect of identity safety cues and shared identity on international students’ belonging and engagement in college classrooms
Minh Duc Pham (University of Connecticut)
Strength-Based Solidarity: Shared Strengths as a Novel Pathway Toward Positive Intraminority Relation
MacKenzie Wantje (Texas Tech University)
Physiological Stress Responses to Misgendering in Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Adults
Spring 2023 Clara Mayo Grant Recipients
Nadia Floyd (University of Colorado Boulder)
Allyship is in the eye of the beholder: Black women's perceptions of Black versus White men
who advocate for gender equality
Jillian Franks (Brandeis University)
The Influence of Cognitive Load on Empathy Biases in Pre-medical Students
Ellen Kneeskern (University of Rochester)
Classifying Youth’s Questions About Racial Inequality and Their Parents’ Responses:
An Exploratory Latent Class Analysis Approach
Dakota Leget (University of Florida)
Exploring the Influence of Patients’ Weight and Race on Providers’ Diagnostic Accuracy of Bulimia
Christina Marlow (North Carolina State University)
Race-Based Discipline Disparities: Children's Evaluations and Reactions
Dani Wolf (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Race as a Two-Sided Factor in Policing: The Intersection of Community Race and Police Race
Fall 2022 Clara Mayo Grant recipients:
Sheba Aikawa (University of Colorado Boulder)
Untrustworthy ally: The unintended consequences of messages targeting Black women
Samuel Carr (Northeastern University)
Gender Inclusive Movement for Youth in K-12 Schools: An Exploratory Study
Elise Kaufman (University of Maryland, College Park)
Children’s Evaluations about Teacher and Peer Bias in the Classroom Context
Liora Morhayim (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Buffering Effects of Negative Intergroup Contact through Complex Social Identities
Laura Pazos (University of Reno, Nevada)
Perceptions of Gender Nonconforming Child Bearers and Abortion in the Wake of Overturning
Roe v. Wade
Yiwei Quan (University of Toronto)
Chinese international students and anti-Asian racism on campus in Canada: Advocacy, coping strategies, and social media discourse
Spring 2022 Clara Mayo Grant recipients:
Jenessa Canen (Western Kentucky University)
Minority Stress Through Time: Sexual Minority Stress and Suicide Risk Across Generations
Rachel Cook (Georgia Southern University)
It’s Not A Phobia: Reducing Transnegativity Using Imagined Intergroup Contact
Daniela Gonzalez (Indiana University)
Health vs. Success: Examining whether exposure to negative stereotypes motivates engagement in unhealthy behaviors among low-SES college students
K. Colin Li (Wake Forest University)
A Short Scale of College Belonging: Factor Structure, Measurement Invariance, and Predictive Validity
Grace Wetzel (Rutgers University)
Challenging biological justifications for the orgasm gap: Implications for immutability beliefs and orgasm pursuit
Katsumi Yamaguchi-Pedroza (Pennsylvania State University)
Perceiving sexual violence against women of color: Where are the allies?
Fall 2021 Clara Mayo Grant recipients:
Courteney Rae Palis (The New School for Social Research)
On the Front Lines of a Double Pandemic: Exploring the Effects of COVID-19 and Anti-Asian Racism on Filipino American Woman Nurses
Marissa Traversa (Simon Fraser University)
Is Cancel Culture Validating? The Role of Collective Validation in the Relationship Between Cancel Culture and Collective Action
Emma Wedell (University of Connecticut)
How Prejudice Confrontation Styles Shape Lay Understandings of Prejudice Confrontations
Spring 2021 Clara Mayo Grant recipients:
Rebecca Burchette (Indiana University)
Is This Reverse Racism? Perceived Exclusion Among White Americans Increases Mistreatment of Black Employees
Okeoma Nwakama (Fordham University)
Centering Ourselves: Exploring the Use of Emotional-Approach Coping in Response to Gendered Racism Among Black Women
Adilene Osnaya (Purdue University)
Anticipated Discrimination and Psychological Distress among Latinx Individuals: Examining Moderators
Jessica Roncker (University of Cincinnati)
Climate Safe Neighborhoods Community Toolkit
Adele Weaver (University of Maine)
How Race, Gender, and Body Positioning Impact Perceptions and Interactions with Those in Power
Click here to learn more about the program
Click here to view previous Clara Mayo Grant Winners