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SPSSI 2022 Conference Co-chair

Eduardo A. Lugo Hernández is an Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology of the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus. He possesses a PhD in Clinical-Community Psychology from DePaul University in Chicago.  His worked centers around child and youth civic engagement through the use of Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR). He has lead projects in schools in Puerto Rico where he has developed violence prevention initiatives with youth as partners. He has also worked with community members to train them on CBPR, research methods and ethics.  

Currently, Dr. Lugo is the Director of the Impacto Juventud Project, which has the goal of promoting youth civic and political engagement through the use of social media and the arts. This Project, which consists of undergraduate student members, provides school and community workshops for students, integrates students in policy practicum with a focus on child and youth social issues, and develops educational activities in the university and in the surrounding community. The focus  of the project is to promote engagement based on reflections about PR Colonial status and the need for decolonizing approaches with youth.

Dr. Lugo, also directs Chiqui Impacto, which is a project for children 0-10 and their parents/caregivers. This project provides a platform to promote child voices and well-being. It also engages teachers, psychologists, social workers and others in training to enhance child resilience. He is also a co-director in the project Aula en la Montaña in which his team provides educational and socioemotional support to children who live in impoverished communities and have been affected by the climate crisis.

Dr. Lugo collaborates in public policy initiatives and has worked as an international consultant in educational and violence prevention projects in Honduras. He was awarded the Distinguished Psychologist in Public Policy or Public Service award from the Puerto Rico Psychological Association in 2015 for his policy work. Recently he was awarded the Americas Psychology Professional Development award-José Toro Alfonso-2021.