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From our Editor

Sarah Herrmann, Assistant Professor,
Weber State University   

The weather is warming and we are looking forward to our first in-person conference in two years. As we reflect on the tumult of the past few years, I am reminded of the important work that those in the SPSSI community have continued to pursue amidst the chaos and disruption. Throughout this issue, we see examples of a continuing commitment to apply theory and practice to important social problems. 

This issue of The Forward highlights the policy work of SPSSI in the community through publications and grants. SPSSI President Linda Silka discusses her efforts to engage with SPSSI stakeholders around the country and looks forward to our upcoming conference.

Continue reading this article here. 



A Message from SPSSI's President  

Linda Silka, Senior Fellow, Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions; Professor Emerita, School of Economics

Dear SPSSI Colleague:

I hope you are looking forward to our June conference “Reenergizing Ourselves and Our Communities: Connections Across Borders and Barriers.”  Few titles could better capture what SPSSI represents in these difficult times. We are about finding connections across our differences. We are about working across borders and barriers. We are about doing research that will make a difference and ensuring that this research overcomes the barriers that often stand in the way of research leading to the changes that are needed.

It has been my great fortune in being SPSSI president this year to meet with SPSSI members doing great research, outreach, and application intended to overcome differences. This work is very inspiring.

Continue reading this article here.



GSC Pre-Conference Agenda:
Social Justice and Your Professional World

Tina Lee, Teachers College, Columbia University
Isabelle Clough, University of Texas at El Paso
Ana Ureña Rosario, California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University
Chelsie Burchett, Stony Brook University
Chelsea Queen, University of Texas at El Paso

Career Panel

Career Panel: Navigating Positionality as a Professional

In this career panel, Tina R. Lee (Chair), Isabelle Clough (Chair-Elect), and Chelsie Burchett (Diversity Officer) of the Graduate Student Committee will interview previous GSC officers on their professional journeys and what role SPSSI has played in their development from graduate school to their current professions. Discussion will center on positionality, navigating academia, obtaining opportunities centered on policy, and negotiating academic, cultural, and political capital. There will be a Q&A portion in which the audience will be able to participate. Panelists will include: Jaboa Lake, Ph.D. (2019-2020 GSC Chair); Kevin R. Carriere, Ph.D. (VSI Editor); Carlie D. Trott, Ph.D. (2015-2016 GSC Chair).

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Spring 2022

In This Edition

Editor’s Column
From the Editor

President's Column
From Our President

Graduate Student Committee
GSC Pre-Conference Agenda:
Social Justice and Your Professional World

Social Issues and Policy Review
Update from our Co-editors

Communications Committee
Updates from the Communications Committee

State- and Local- Policy Awards Winners

Studying Context, Interrogating Structural Discrimination to Improve the Reach and Equitable Delivery of Universal Home Visiting Models

Public Land for People, Not Policing: Developing Policy Pathways for Reparative Justice through Community-Based Research

A Multi-Phase Approach to Equity-Driven Climate Policy Planning in Cincinnati: Centering Neighborhood-level Perspectives

SPSSI Summer Conference

Conference Co-Chairs
Reconnecting in the Global South

2022 Lewin Award Winner
Social Identity Uncertainty: Its Role in Populism, Ideological Fundamentalism, and Intergroup Hostility

Forward edited
by Sarah Herrmann