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Jacqueline Verrilli




Social Issues from Student Perspectives

Jacqueline Verrilli, Chicago School of Professional Psychology

The Graduate Student Committee (GSC) represents the graduate student members of SPSSI. In 2023 we are undertaking two new initiatives that we hope will advance the visibility of graduate students within and outside of the organization. Please look out for a survey in the coming months that will inquire about the constitution, structure, and mission of a new mentorship program. Your input will help drive the decisions about this new GSC effort. We are also submitting a proposal for a graduate student ambassador program that will create an ambassador?position for each academic institution members are affiliated?with. We look forward to having a GSC representative at many academic and policy institutions.  

What were you up to in 2022? 

Graduate student members of SPSSI are engaged in exciting and important research and program development around the US and the world. We asked student members to submit descriptions of work that they led or were involved with during the past year. Below are two examples of student research that is positively impacting affected communities. 

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