SIPR Co-Editor-in-Chief 2024-2026
Dr. Asia Eaton is a feminist social psychologist and Professor of Psychology at Florida International University (FIU) where she serves as Director of the Applied Social and Cultural Psychology Ph.D. Program. Her research explores how gender intersects with identities such as race, sexual orientation, and class to affect individuals’ access to and experience with power. For example, she has published work on discrimination in academic contexts and the workplace, as well as power dynamics and violence in intimate partner relationships. In her quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods work, she engages social and cultural psychological theories and methods to address real-world social problems in collaboration with local, state, and national organizations and institutions.
Asia has served as Associate Editor for Psychology of Women Quarterly, as Consulting Editor for Sex Roles, Journal of Business and Psychology, Social Issues and Policy Review, Personality and Social Psychology Review, and Psychology of Women Quarterly, as Lead Guest Editor for an issue of American Psychologist on Public Psychology and an issue of the Journal of Social Issues on Reproductive Justice, and as Guest Editor for an issue of Psychology of Women Quarterly on feminist psychology and open science. She sincerely hopes to be useful in her new role as SIPR Co-Editor.