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2024 - 2025 Marshall Fellow

Lindsey Yessick Image

Helin Ünal received her PhD in Social Psychology from Clark University. Her research interests involve collective victimization, resistance, intergroup relations, and intragroup dynamics. Specifically, she focuses on how members of oppressed groups understand their group’s historical and ongoing violence and oppression in different ways, and how these distinct views are related to supporting various resistance strategies. She explores these issues across diverse contexts, employing both qualitative and quantitative methodologies.

As the James Marshall Public Policy Fellow, Helin will spend one year working full time in a Congressional office here in Washington, DC! The SPSSI James Marshall Public Policy Fellowship trains early career scientists to 1) contribute to the effective use of scientific knowledge about social issues in the formation of public policy at the federal level; 2) educate the scientific community about how research can contribute to the development of public policy; and 3) establish a more effective liaison between social scientists and various policymaking mechanisms.

Click here to learn more about SPSSI's Marshall Fellowship program.