Year | Name | Title of Address |
2023 | John T. Jost | |
2022 | Michael Hogg | Building and Breaking Walls between Groups: Self-Uncertainty, Social Identity, and Intergroup Leadership |
2021 | James Jackson | |
2020 | Not Awarded | |
2019 | Ervin Staub | Witnesses/Bystanders: The Tragic Fruits of Passivity and Generating Active Bystandership in Children, Adults and Groups |
2018 | Alice Eagly | The Shaping of Science by Ideology: How Feminism Inspired, Led, and Constrained Scientific Understanding of Sex and Gender |
2017 | Craig Anderson and Brad Bushman | Global Warming and Human Violence (Anderson) Deadly Child’s Play: Exposure to Guns in Movies Increases Interest in Real Guns (Bushman) |
2016 | Mahzarin Banaji and Anthony Greewald | How implicit bias can be managed (not cured or eradicated) (Greenwald) Doing Research on Implicit Social Cognition and Surprises Along the Way (Banaji) |
2015 | Philip Zimbardo | Carrying on Kurt Lewin’s Legacy in Many Current Domains |
2014 | Susan Fiske | Talking Up and Talking Down: The Power of Positive Speaking |
2013 | Brenda Major | |
2012 | Miles Hewstone | Consequences of Diversity for Social Cohesion and Prejudice: The Missing Dimension of Intergroup Contact? |
2011 | Michelle Fine | Resuscitating Critical Psychology for “Revolting” Times |
2010 | Mark Zanna | While Waiting for Nature to Take Her Course: There’s Nothing So Practical as a Good…Design |
2009 | Beatrice Wright | 2009 Kurt Lewin Award Recipient |
2008 | Mark Snyder | In the Footsteps of Kurt Lewin: Practical Theorizing, Action Research, and the Psychology of Social Action |
2007 | Kay Deaux | To Be an American: Immigration, Hyphenation, and Incorporation |
2006 | Greg Herek | Confronting Sexual Stigma and Prejudice: Theory and Practice. |
2005 | Faye J. Crosby | The Uses of a Good Theory |
2004 | Jack Dovidio and Sam Gaertner | Understanding and Addressing Contemporary Racism: From Aversive Racism to the Common Ingroup Identity Model |
2003 | Daphne Bugental | Thriving in the Face of Adversity |
2002 | Claude Steele | Practical Theorizing: The Role of Social Context and the Case of Social Identity Threat |
2001 | James Jones | TRIOS: A Psychological Theory of the African Legacy in American Culture |
2000 | Norman Miller | Personalization and Promise of Contact Theory |
1999 | Jacquelynne Eccles | Activities, Identity, and Adolescent Development: The Social and Educational Policy Implications of Extracurricualr Involvement |
1998 | Bertram H. Raven | Interpersonal Influence, Power, Religion, and the Mechanisms of Social Control |
1997 | Chris Argyris | Field Theory as a Basis for Scholarly Research-Consulting |
1996 | Marilynn B. Brewer | The Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations: Can Research Infrom Practice? |
1995 | Edward F. Zigler | The Child Care Crisis: Implications for the Growth and Development of the Nation’s Children |
1994 | Jyuji Misumi | The Development in Japan on the Performance-Maintenance (PM) Theory of Leadership |
1993 | Ethel Tobach | Personal is Political is Personal is Political |
1992 | John R.P. French, Jr | A Lewinian's Lewinia |
1991 | Eleanor E. Maccoby | Trends in the Study of Socialization: Is there a Lewinian heritage? |
1990 | Harold H. Kelley | Lewin, Situations, and Interdependence |
1989 | Robert Sommer | Local Research |
1988 | Robert L. Kahn | Nations as Organizations: Organizational Theory and International Relations |
1987 | Thomas F. Pettigrew | Influencing Policy with Social Psychology |
1986 | M. Brewster Smith | War, Peace and Psychology: A Semi- Centennial Perspective |
1985 | Irving Janis | Problems of International Crisis Managements in the Nuclear War |
1984 | Milton Rokeach | Inducing Change and Stability in Belief Systems and Personality Structures |
1983 | Bluma Zeigarnik | Kurt Lewin and the Soviet Psychology |
1982 | Joseph McVicker Hunt | Toward Equalizing the Developmental Opportunities of Infants and Preschool Children |
1981 | Tamara Dembo | Some Problems in Rehabilitation as Seen by a Lewinian |
1980 | Marie Jahoda | To Publish or Not to Publish |
1979 | Orville G. Brim, Jr. | Types of Life Events |
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