Model Manuscript OutlineReview papers in SIPR will provide state of the art and timely theoretical and empirical reviews of topics and programs of research that are directly relevant to understanding and addressing social issues and public policy. Papers will be accessible and relevant to a broad audience and will normally be based on a program of research. Works in SIPR may represent a variety of disciplinary orientations but will involve perspectives directly relevant to the psychological study of social issues. Papers in SIPR may take various forms. Each will be evaluated individually in terms of relevance to the mission of SIPR, originality, scholarly contribution, and effectiveness of presentation. Papers may be submitted to the Editor(s) or be invited. Whether submitted or invited, a paper proposal, which briefly summarizes the content of the piece and explains the relevance of the work to the mission of SIPR, will receive a preliminary review. If this review is favorable, authors will be invited to write a full paper for consideration for publication in SIPR and will be given an appropriate timeline for inclusion in a volume. Full drafts of the manuscripts will again be reviewed. The Editors will be responsible for determining if and when a submission is acceptable for publication in SIPR. Works are normally between 40 and 50 manuscript pages, including title page, abstract (120-140 words), narrative, references, tables, figures, and notes, and must conform to the format and guidelines of the American Psychological Association. For illustrative purposes only, a sample paper outline is provided. I. Title of the proposed manuscript and full contact information for the corresponding author (name as it should appear on the manuscript, mailing address, phone, fax, and e-mail). II. Statement of the Issue This section briefly identifies the theme and goals of the manuscript, making a case for the importance of the topic and its relevance to the mission of SIPR. III. Framework and Description of Relevant Theory and Research This part of the manuscript presents the scholarly foundation of the work, including a description of relevant theory and research. It must achieve several objectives. First, it has to articulate a coherent framework that organizes the paper. Second, it must develop a logical scholarly argument based on current theory and research that can be applied to understanding and addressing important social issues and public policy. Third, although works may focus on a particular program of research, this section of the manuscript needs to demonstrate the connection of the framework adapted to an appropriately comprehensive body of knowledge. IV. Social Issues and Policy Implications Manuscripts must have direct relevance to understanding and addressing social issues and public policy, and must clearly articulate these connections. This section articulates the connections between theory, research, and practice in a way that can be understood by people with a variety of professional and academic backgrounds. That is, this section makes clear the relevance of the theory and research for understanding social issues and public policy, and, in some cases, implementing change, in ways that are accessible to policy makers and practitioners, as well as academics with a variety of backgrounds. V. Conclusion This brief section summarizes the work, including social issue and policy implications, and suggests promising directions for the future.
Submitting article Please contact the editors, Ann Bettencourt and Michael Zárate for more information about writing and submitting reviews.