Publications ![]() Journal of Social Issues Report By Sheri R. Levy, JSI Editor-Elect Soon, the 18-month transition from Rick Hoyle’s editorship to mine will be complete. I want to thank Rick and his editorial board for a very smooth transition. I also want to thank Irene Frieze, Susan Opotow, and Dan Perlman for their very helpful advice during this transition. The Journal of Social Issues has a long and venerable history of bringing attention to significant and timely social issues through the lens of cutting-edge scientific research. In this way, JSI is recognized widely for its significant advances in understanding and addressing social issues and in setting the agenda for the next wave of research on the topics of its focus. Rick and his board have continued this tradition, and I am deeply honored and excited to work toward continuing this tradition with you. I hope you will contact me by email (Journal_ about your ideas for issues for JSI. Please check out the JSI website ( for recent updates. I want to thank Susan Dudley for her tremendous assistance. Incoming Editorial Board Jennifer E. Graham, The Pennsylvania State University, United States Jacquelynne Eccles, University of Michigan, United States Nick Haslam, University of Melbourne, Australia Dawn Howerton, Graduate Student, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States Dina Karafantis, New York Institute of Technology, United States Melanie Killen, University of Maryland, College Park, United States Shana Levin, Claremont McKenna College, United States Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, University of California at Berkeley, United States Allen M. Omoto, Claremont Graduate University, United States Jason Plaks, University of Toronto, Canada Jennifer Richeson, Northwestern University, United States Adam Rutland, University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom Beth Shinn, Vanderbilt University, United States Colleen Varga, Graduate Student, The George Washington University, United States Maykel Verkuyten, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Latinos and Latino Immigrants in the U.S. The Changing Landscape of Intergroup Relations in South Africa Immigrants and Hosts: Perceptions, Interactions, and Transformations Social Stigma and Social Disadvantage The Reality of Contemporary Discrimination: The Consequences of Hidden Bias in Legal, Employment, and Health Care Contexts Scaling the Higher Education Pyramid: Research Addressing Academic and Career Success of Minorities and Women in Science and Engineering 75 Years of Social Science for Social Action: Historial and Contemporary Perspectives on SPSSI’s Legacy