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Research Information Form

If you are interested in developing the social policy impact of your research, you may wish to tell us about the area of psychology that you are investigating. Simply paste the questions below with your answers in an email and send to

1. What areas of psychology are you researching?

2. What social issues does you research relate to most?

3. Do you have any publications that can be shared with SPSSI Central Office? Yes/No
[If yes, please attach to your email]

4. Do you have any news media articles that can be shared with SPSSI Central Office? Yes/No
[If yes, please attach to your email or include a link to the news source]

5. Do you have any research synopses or statistical/graphical/video material that can be shared with SPSSI Central Office for policy briefings on the aforementioned social issues? Yes/No
[If yes, please attach to your email]

6. Central Office may be able to offer assistance, advice or support for efforts you might want to take to develop materials to educate policy makers about your research results. Which of the following policy activities would you like to hear more about?

  • writing research synopses, policy briefs and fact sheets for policy makers Yes/No
  • taking part in briefing events Yes/No
  • speaking directly with relevant organizations and policy makers Yes/No
  • writing op-eds or providing expert commentary for the media Yes/No
  • forming online forums with other researchers and policy makers Yes/No

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