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2022-2025 JSI Editor

Martin D. Ruck is a Professor of Psychology and Urban Education at the Graduate Center City University of New York. He received a B.Sc. in Psychology from Dalhousie University; an M.A. and Ph.D. in Applied Cognitive Science from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. He has served on the editorial board of the Journal of Social Issues since 2014; and co-edited two issues of the journal: with Stacey Horn in 2008 titled, Young People’s Perspectives on the Rights of the Child: Implications for Theory, Research and Practice; and in 2021 with Diane Hughes and Erika Niwa titled, Ethnic-Racial Socialization Among Children and Adolescents.

His research focuses on the overall process of cognitive socialization—at the intersection of race, ethnicity, and class—in terms of children and adolescents’ thinking about human rights, civic engagement, inequality, and social justice. In 2016 with Stacey Horn and Lynn Liben he co-edited a 2-volume set of Advances in Child Development and Behavior titled, Equity and Justice in Development Science. In 2017 with Michele Peterson-Badali and Michael Freeman co-edited the Handbook of Children’s Rights: Global and Multidisciplinary Perspectives. And in 2021with Melanie Killen he co-edited a special issue of Human Development titled, Promoting Social Equity, Fairness, and Racial Justice in Development. Currently he serves as Director of the Office of Educational Opportunity and Diversity (EOD) at the Graduate Center, City University of New York.