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Books - Sorted by Date Published

Date Author/Editor Title Publisher
1939 Hartman, G. & Newcomb, T. Industrial Conflict: A Psychological Interpretation Dryden Publications
1942 Watson, G.  Civilian Morale Reynal & Hitchcock
1945 Murphy, G.  Human Nature and Enduring Peace Reynal & Hitchcock
1950 Kornhauser, A. Psychology of Labor-Management Relations Industrial Relations Research Assoc.
1951 Jahoda, J., Deutsch, M. & Cook, S. Research Methods in Psychological Interpretation Social Relations (1st Ed.) Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1952 Swanson, G., Newcomb, T. & Hartley, E. Reading in Social Psychology Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1954 Katz, D. Public Opinion and Propaganda Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1954 Kornhauser, A.,  Dubin, R.&Ross, A. Industrial Conflict McGraw Hill 
1958 Maccoby, E., Newcomb T. & Hartley, E. Readings in Social Psychology (3rd Ed.) Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1959 Deutsch, M., Cook S., Jahoda, M. & Selltiz, C. Research Methods in Social Relations (2nd Ed.) Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1962 Sanford, N. American College John Wiley Publishers
1963 Charters, W. & Gage, N. Readings in the Social Psychology of Education Allyn & Bacon, Inc
1965 Kelman, H. International Behavior Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1965 Proshansky, H. & Seidenberg, B. Basic Studies in Social Psychology Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1965 Steiner, I. & Fishbein, M. Current Studies in Social Psychology Handbook of Research Univ. Edition Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1968 Deutsch, M., Katz, I., & Jensen, A. Social Class, Race and Psychological Development Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1969 Wechsler, H., Soloman, L. & Kramer, B. Social Psychology and Mental Health Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1970 Abelson, R. & Zimbardo, P.   Canvassing for Peace: A Manual for Volunteering SPSSI
1972 McClintock, C. Experimental Social Psychology Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1974 Newcomb, T. & Hartley, L . Reading in Social Psychology Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1975 Mednic, M., Tangri, S., &  Hoffman, L. Women and Achievement Hemisphere Publishing Corp.
1975 Guttentag, M. & Struening, E. Handbook of Evaluation Research (Vol. 2) Sage Publications
1975 Struening, E. & Guttentag, M.  Handbook of Evaluation Research (Vol. 1) Sage Publications
1976 Tobach, E. &  Proshansky, H. Genetic Destiny: Race as a Scientific and Social Controversy AMS Press, Inc
1976 Selltiz, G., Wrightsman, L. & Cook, S. Research Methods in Social Relations (3rd Ed.) Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1976 Koocher, G. Childrens’ Rights and the Mental Health Professions John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
1976 Katz, P. Towards the Elimination of Racism Pergamon Press
1977 Tapp, J. & Levine, F. Law, Justice and the Individual in Society Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1978 Wispe, L. Altruism, Sympathy, and Helping Academic Press
1979 Levinger, G. &  Moles, O. Divorce and Separation Basic Books
1979 Frieze, I., Bar Tal, D., & Carroll, J. New approaches to Social Problems Jossey-Bass, Inc.
1980 Bickman, L. Applied Social Psychology Annual Vol 1 Sage Publications
1981 Dane, F. C. Student Workbook for Research Methods in Social Relations (4th Ed.) Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1981 Kidder, L. Research Methods in Social Relations (4th Ed.) Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1981 Rubin, J. Dynamics of Third Party Intervention: Kissinger in the Middle East Praeger Publishers
1981 Bickman, L. Applied Social Psychology Annual Vol. 2 Sage Publications
1982 Evans, G. Environmental Stress Cambridge University Press
1982 Maddex, B. Social Psychology – Student Study Guide Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1982 Perlman, D. & Cozby, P. Social Psychology Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1982 Paul, W., Weinrich, J. Homosexuality: Social Psychological and Biological Issues Sage Publications
1982 Bickman, L. Applied Social Psychology Annual Vol. 3 Sage Publications
1983 Friedman, H. & Matteo, M.. Interpersonal Issues in Health Care Academic Press
1983 Bickman, L. Applied Social Psychology Annual Vol. 4 Sage Publications
1984 Miller, N. & Brewer, M. Groups in Contact: The Psychology of Desegregation Academic Press
1984 Oskamp, S. Applied Social Psychology Annual Vol 5: Applications in Organizational Settings Sage Publications
1984 Struening, E. & Brewer, M. Handbook of Evaluation Research Univ. Edition Sage Publications
1985 Gilbert, L. Men in Dual-Career Families: Current Realities and Future Prospects Lawrence Earlbaum Assoc., Inc.
1985 Perlman, D. & Cozby, P. Psicologia Social (Spanish Version) Interamericana
1985 Safir, M., Mednick, M., Israeli, D. & Bernard, J Women’s Worlds: From the New Scholarship Praeger Publishers
1985 Oskamp, S. Applied Social Psychology Annual Vol 6: International Conflict and National Public Policy Issues Sage Publications
1986 Dew, M. A. Instructor’s Manual for Research Methods in Social Relations (5th Ed.) Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1986 Kidder, L. & Judd, C Research Methods in Social Relations (5th Ed.) Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1986 White, R. Psychology and the Prevention of Nuclear War New York University Press
1986 Seidman, E. & Rappaport, J. Redefining Social Problems Plenum Publishing
1987 Oskamp, S. Applied Social Psychology Annual Vol 7: Family Process and Problems: Social Psychological Aspects Sage Publications
1987 Zanna, M. & Darley, J. The Compleat Academic: A Practical Guide for the Beginning Social Scientist   Random House
1988 Katz, P. & Taylor, D Eliminating Racism: Profiles in Controversy Plenum Publishers
1988 Kellerman, B. & Rubin, J. Leadership negotiation in the Middle East Praeger Publishers
1988 Oskamp, S. Applied Social Psychology Annual Vol 8: Television as a Social Issue Sage Publications
1988 Fine, M. & Asch, A. Women with Disabilities: Essays in Psychology, Culture, and Politics Temple Univ. Press
1989 Unger, R. Representations: Social Constructions of Gender Baywood Publishing Co.
1991 Gonsiorek, J. & Weinrich, J. Homosexuality: Research Implications for Public Policy Sage Publications
1991 Robinson, J., Shaver, P. & Wrightsman, L. Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Attitudes Academic Press
1991 Judd, C., Smith, E. & Kidder, L. Research Methods in Social Relations, 6th Ed. Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1991 Baron, R. & Graziano, W. Social Psychology Holt, Rinehart & Winston
1992 Bryant, F., Edwards, J., Tindale, R., Posavac, E., Heath, L., Henderson, E. & Suarez-Balcazar, Y. Methodological Issues in Applied Social Psychology Plenum Press
1992 Clayton, S. & Crosby, F. Justice, Gender, and Affirmative Action University of Michigan Press
1992 Fine, M. Disruptive Voices: The Possibilities of Feminist Research University of Michigan Press
1992 Bercovitch J. & Rubin, J. Mediation in International Relations Saint Martin's Press (in association with SPSSI)
1993 Stroebe, M. Stroebe, W. & Hansson, R. Handbook of Bereavement: Theory, Research, and Intervention Cambridge University Press
1994 Heath, L. Tindale, R., Edwards, J., Posavac, E., Bryant, F., Henderson-King, E., Suarez-Balcazar, Y. & Myers, J. Applications of Heuristics and Biases to Social Issues Plenum Press
1995 Bunker, B., Rubin, J., & Associates Conflict, Cooperation and Justice: Essays Inspired by the Work of Morton Deutsch Jossey-Bass Publishers
1996 Kagawa-Singer, M., Katz, P., Taylor, D., & Vanderryn, J Health Issues for Minority Adolescents University of Nebraska Press
1998 Tindale, R. S.,  Heath, L.,  Edwards, J., Posavac, E. J., Bryant, F. B., Myers, J.,  Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Henderson-King, E. Theory and Research on Small Groups Plenum Press
2002 Hoyle, R., Harris, M., & Judd, C. Research Methods in Social Relations, Seventh Edition Wadsworth
2002 Ottati, V., Tindale, R. S., Edwards, J., Bryant, F. B. Heath, L.,  O'Connell, D. C.,  Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Posavac, E. J. The Social Psychology of Politics Plenum Press
2005 Dovidio, J. F., Glick, P., & Rudman, L. A.  On the Nature of Prejudice: 50 Years After Allport Blackwell Publishing
2008 Esses, V. M. & Vernon, R. A. Explaining the Breakdown of Ethnic Relations: Why Neighbors Kill Wiley-Blackwell
2008 Wagner, U., Tropp, L.R., Finchilescu, J., & Tredoux, C. Improving Intergroup Relations: Building on the legacy of Thomas F. Pettigrew Wiley-Blackwell
2009 Lott, B. Multiculturalism and Diversity: A Social Psychological Perspective Wiley-Blackwell
2009 Stürmer, S. & Snyder, M. The Psychology of Prosocial Behavior: Group Processes, Intergroup Relations and Helping Wiley-Blackwell
2010 Crisp, R. J. The Psychology of Social and Cultural Diversity Wiley-Blackwell
2012 Oishi, S. The Psychological Wealth of Nations: Do Happy People Make a Happy Society? Wiley-Blackwell
2012 Jonas, K., Morton, T. Restoring Civil Societies: The Psychology of Intervention and Engagement Following Crisis Wiley-Blakcwell
2013 Bullock, H. Women and Poverty: Psychology, Public Policy, and Social Justice Wiley-Blackwell
2019 Nario-Redmond, M. A. Ableism: The Causes and Consequences of Disability Prejudice Wiley-Blackwell
2020 Shinn, M. & Khadduri, J. In the Midst of Plenty:  Homelessness and What To Do About It Wiley-Blackwell
2023 Huff, C. & Furchert, A. Taking Moral Action Wiley-Blackwell
2023 Rapa, L. J. & Godfrey, E. B. Critical Consciousness: Expanding Theory and Measurement Cambridge University Press
2023 Godfrey, E. G. & Rapa, L. J. Developing Critical Consciousness in Youth: Contexts and Settings Cambridge University Press
2023 Bankert, A. When Politics Becomes Personal: The Effect of Partisan Identity on Anti-Democratic Behavior Cambridge University Press
2023 Wray-Lake, L., Hope, E. C., & Abrams, L. S. Young Black Changemakers and the Road to Social Justice Cambridge University Press